Tuesday, 18 September 2012


So yesterday I was traumatised beyond belief!!!...... I can hear you all now saying..'oooooh why Tracy?' Well I was nominated to deliver a presentation in work! IN FRONT OF REAL PEOPLE!!  It seemed like a good idea at the time but when it actually came to the morning of the show case i'm not embarassed to say that I was shitting a brick!!!!
I thought my days of standing in front of people doing these things were well over when I finshed uni almost 2 years ago!! The powerpoint was ready and away I went. At this point I could have quite happily vomited. My heart was pounding and when I actually got to the lecture theatre I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!!........ I used to get in this state when presenting to 12 people in uni, but sat there in the room were 60/70 (Jesus Christ it may as well have been 6000!!!).
I'm pretty sure I saw this sign outside the lecture theatre!

So I took my seat in the audience and the series of different speakers began to give their different talks. I couldn't tell you what they were speaking about because at this point everything was a blur and the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest!! My legs were twitching and my palms were sweaty!
The time for my presentation was closing in and I was starting to feel like this:

I decided to give my head a wobble and try and sort my nerves out or I was going to be a complete train wreck any second. The clock ticked round to my time slot and the introduction was made and I made my way to what felt like my doom!!
I'm sure at this point I could hear the death march being played in the background! I introduced myself and then then my head blew off Scanners stylee!
Ok it didn't really but it may as well have because the next 10 minutes are a complete enigma to me and all I can remember is me saying 'Thank you, any questions?' I answered all the questions thrown at me and finally I was done!! Thank God......where's the Jack Daniels???

I was surprised at all the positive feedback I got and it seems I did good!!.... huh who'd have thunk it!! So i'm hoping thats my good deed done for the next 10 years!!

.................................... and relax!!!

TTFN Mother Flippers xx

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A quarter of those please!!!

Soooooo it's Tuesday!! why the hell isn't it at least Thursday???

It seems that my haphazzard blogging attempts has inspired at least one person to start blogging, that person being my 'big bro' Graham...... not really my big brother but as he explains in his blog we were genuinely asked in sixth form if we were related...... I think whoever it was must have been hungover from one of our many nights out in Stairways or such like.

Anyway go check out his blog HERE If you like it make sure you tell him it was me who sent you there, If not What's wrong with you????? ;-)

So what is todays random crap thats been drifting around my brain???? ......Sweets!! That's what!!

Following on from yesterdays toys blog I was thinking of the sweets we used to have as kids and if they are still around or different from years ago???

So the first are Pacers!

Spearmint chewy sweets that tasted like off toothpaste! My mum always bought me these and although they tasted like cack They were still consumed!!  I don't think they are about anymore thank god!

Wham bars!

Well these gems were responsible for the removal of one of my teeth!! This chewy/sour bars used to take hours to eat and made you pull some very bizarre faces. They are now half the size of what they used to be and they have tamed down the sour sugary bits on the top..... boooooooooooo!!!

Texan bars!

All I can say about these chewy, chocolatey bars of loveliness is yummmmmmmmy!!! They have recently brought these back but I haven't sampled them as a new version, I don't think I will either because if they are not the same i'll be bummed out all week so I think they are best left as I remember them!

Gold Nuggets

These were little pieces of gold/yellow bubblegum, I can't recall the flavour or even hazzard a guess?? (answers on a postcard).
Some of you may know them as Gold Rush or even Gold Rocks, but they always came in little hessian-type bags - these are the same, They are available now but these days the nuggets have to be enclosed in a sealed bag - not quite the same, but it`s the best you`re going to get!

I could go on forever talking about retro sweets but I thinkI have bored you enough. I do have to give a little shout out to some other sweets I loved and those are Rainbow Drops, Dip Dabs, Space dust or Popping Candy, Candy whistles, Nerds and the good old chewing nuts!!!

Any others feel free to comment and remind me!!

TTFN Mother Flippers xx

Monday, 10 September 2012

Toys Toys Toys!!!!!!!

I'm sat here on the couch jotting down some gift ideas for my gorgeous nephew's Christmas presents ( I know it's only September but I really don't want the last minute dash xmas week!!!!!) and my mind wandered to the toys I loved playing with when I was a kid (stop laughing I can remember that far back!). Anyway.....these are some of the toys that envoked some great childhood memories.

I loved playig with the stickle bricks in my nursery, even if I hated the actual nursery, and kicked off in monumental style every day I went...(not like me to be dramatic...*cough*)......sorry mum!!

Fuzzy felt....... the pieces used to get sucked up into the hoover and be lost forever... and i'm pretty sure my mum used fuzzy felt purchases to bribe me into behaving myself (even though I was an angel*cough cough*!!

Lego!!!! Everyone loves lego, i'm actually excited for when I can start buying it for number 1 nephew Luke....... when I say everyone loves Lego of course I meant everyone loves it until you stand on that rogue piece that has hidden itself in the carpet then you hate the stuff that has inflicted the same pain on your foot that staanding on a landmine does!! (see I told you I wasn't at all dramatic).

Yes I know this may come to a surprise to people who know me but yes I did like girly stuff once upon a time!!! My first Barbie was the peaches and cream one and I had her four poster bed and her gym!! My Sindy was the one i played with the most but that was only because I could pull her head off to reveal a rather amusing flesh coloured ball. She also got the most haircuts and felt tip pen hair dyes!! I was also lucky to own Sindy's swimming pool but on reflection it was the most out of proportion toy ever because if it was real life all poor Sindy would be able to do would be sit in it paddling pool styley!!
I hope this blog has taken you back to when you were a carefree child and relieved some of that adult stress Mondays always bring.
I also hope that my nephew loves and remembers his childhood toys with the affection I do!!
TTFN Mother Flippers xx

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Who ya gonna call??

So it's Sunday afternoon the dreaded Monday morning is looming and i'm sat on the couch with a cheekey pear cider.....ooops sorry I meant cidre!! ;-). Anyway i'm watching one of my all time favourite films...... Ghostbusters 2, this has got me thinking, there are many films that I like but only a handful that I would watch over and over.

These being:


Ghostbusters 2..... pretty good sequel, they usually suck big monkey nuts!!

The Lost Boys... (my favourite film EVER!!!!!! and as everyone that knows me knows I love Kiefer Sutherland).

Rocky IV........ I can take or leave the others but I HAVE to watch this everytime its aired!!

Oceans 11..... Brad and George, why would you need any other reason??

So now you all know I have terrible taste in films, but what can i say....... I likes what I likes!!

TTFN Mother Flippers xx

Thursday, 6 September 2012

I just couldn't let this one go!!!!!

I have to say the internet is a wonderful thing, I was just skimming through some random sites when I came across this little gem!!!! (laughing while I type)!

Ladies and gents I give you THE FLIZ!!!!

designed for 'people who love bicycles but apparently hate all the parts that make a bicycle go. And yes, it is an actual invention. Simply hunch yourself over into a horribly uncomfortable crouch, strap yourself into the complicated harness, ignore the puzzled stares and uncontrollable giggling of onlookers, and off you go — to essentially walk at a slightly higher rate of speed'.

Seriously?? Which monumental ass hat thought this beauty up??

And if you love the picture.......you'll love the video even more!!

Fliz bike video (yes seriously!!!!)

Now you all know about it i'm expecting to see you all whizzing or 'flizing' (get it?) round Birkenvegas on your very own Fliz bike!!!

I just had to share this with everyone and hope you all found it as equally as amusing as I did!!

TTFN Mother flizzers ;-) xx

Ow ow ow ow ow!!!

Well what have i been up to since my last blog???

Weeeeeeeeeeelllllll, I watched Tranmere storm to a fantastic 4-0 victory against Colchester United...which see's us at the top of the league!!... I thought I would mention it because 1. I don't get to say that very often and 2. I might not get to say it again!!

Other than work and Tranmere i've not done much!

What I will mention is the absolute agony I found myself in yesterday...... I was in work minding my own buisness and we decided to have a little tidy round.... ok the place wasn't that untidy but one of our rooms had a few pieces of machinery laying round....... so I bent down to pick up the electricity lead from the floor BANG I felt like someone had shot me in the lower back, I had to slowly straighten myself up (looking at this point like a 90 year old might I add).... So now I am walking round like I have stick up my butt and i'm doped up on painkillers, which to be fair doesn't make me function any differently because my brain is bleached blonde anyway. So at this precise moment in time I am sat on my couch with my new best friend!!

His name is Mr Hotty Botty!!

Here's hoping that this back of mine sorts itself out soon!!

TTFN Mother Flippers x