Tuesday, 18 September 2012


So yesterday I was traumatised beyond belief!!!...... I can hear you all now saying..'oooooh why Tracy?' Well I was nominated to deliver a presentation in work! IN FRONT OF REAL PEOPLE!!  It seemed like a good idea at the time but when it actually came to the morning of the show case i'm not embarassed to say that I was shitting a brick!!!!
I thought my days of standing in front of people doing these things were well over when I finshed uni almost 2 years ago!! The powerpoint was ready and away I went. At this point I could have quite happily vomited. My heart was pounding and when I actually got to the lecture theatre I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!!........ I used to get in this state when presenting to 12 people in uni, but sat there in the room were 60/70 (Jesus Christ it may as well have been 6000!!!).
I'm pretty sure I saw this sign outside the lecture theatre!

So I took my seat in the audience and the series of different speakers began to give their different talks. I couldn't tell you what they were speaking about because at this point everything was a blur and the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest!! My legs were twitching and my palms were sweaty!
The time for my presentation was closing in and I was starting to feel like this:

I decided to give my head a wobble and try and sort my nerves out or I was going to be a complete train wreck any second. The clock ticked round to my time slot and the introduction was made and I made my way to what felt like my doom!!
I'm sure at this point I could hear the death march being played in the background! I introduced myself and then then my head blew off Scanners stylee!
Ok it didn't really but it may as well have because the next 10 minutes are a complete enigma to me and all I can remember is me saying 'Thank you, any questions?' I answered all the questions thrown at me and finally I was done!! Thank God......where's the Jack Daniels???

I was surprised at all the positive feedback I got and it seems I did good!!.... huh who'd have thunk it!! So i'm hoping thats my good deed done for the next 10 years!!

.................................... and relax!!!

TTFN Mother Flippers xx

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