Sunday 27 January 2013

Did you miss me?

Well hello!! For those who read my blog (if any) I do apologise for the neglect, I have no excuse but pure laziness! I will endeavour to keep up this time.

So as you read this my poor dad is in hospital with a kidney stone, for those who've never had one pray that you don't it is the most horrific pain ever!!!!

Hmmmm what else have I been up to? Well I've made a few novelty birthday cakes for people, I love baking and from these cakes I've got a few other people wanting me to make some for them. I wonder if this could be another career path for me?? In all seriousness I would love to have my own tea shop/ cake shop one day so watch this space!!

A couple of my cakes....

So that's me for now, until next time.....

TTFN mother xx

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